MEDawi Live


Medicines Made Easy...

MEDawi App

Mobile App. engineered by expert pharmacists making your life easy with medications. MEDawi will be the daily pharmacist who will remind, advise, educate and consult you regarding your medications. Our journey is long and our passion will exceed it.

MEDawi Store

Our store offers great range of products that will ease the use of medications. Those products were selected after testing to ensure their reliability and quality.

MEDawi Home Care

  • Achieve safe, effective and appropriate use of medicines by detecting and addressing medication-related problems that interfere with desired patients outcomes
  • Improve the patients quality of life and health outcomes by providing advice on the management of their medicine
  • Improve patient and health professional knowledge and understanding about medicines
  • Facilitate cooperative working relationships between members of the health care team in the interests of consumer health and well-being
  • Provide medicine information to the patient and other health care providers involved in the consumer’s care.

Coming Soon

About Us

MEDawi team are passionate for their medication users with innovative projects and ideas. Aiming to be a trusted source for medications information by medication users all over the globe. We welcome all pharmacists and engineers willing to commit into this great project, the sky is our limit....

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